Disclosing a Disability

Reach your goals

When considering getting a part-time job or internship, Career Exploration & Student Employment can support you in attaining your goals and finding experiential learning opportunities. For example, we coordinate the Workforce Recruitment Program, which connects federal and private sector employers with students with disabilities. If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact Rachel Gerber.

If you want to learn more about accommodations to perform your best in academics, Accessible Educational Services specializes in assisting students with various disabilities including physical, psychological, learning, neurological, medical, vision, hearing, and temporary impairments to achieve their academic goals.

Together, these offices are here to support you in self-advocacy and can help navigate the process of disclosing a disability and requesting accommodations.

Should I disclose?

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities are not obligated to disclose their disability unless it is likely to directly affect their job performance. The decision to disclose, as well as when and how, is yours to make. 

Thinking about disclosure?

Disclosing a disability could be daunting. You may not feel comfortable sharing such personal information with an employer; however, disclosing your disability allows you protection against discrimination under the ADA. It also allows you to speak honestly and openly with your employer about accommodations. 


  • Your knowledge of your disability and how clearly you can discuss it
  • Your ability to perform the essential job functions without accommodations
  • How your disability may affect your ability to perform the job
  • Your own comfort and trust level with the employer
  • Your past accommodations in a professional environment
  • Your suggestions for accommodations, if needed


The Job Accommodation Network has significant information about potential accommodations.

Visit the Job Accommodation Network